Problem: Malformed XML in -profile when no profiles exist:
Fix: Move output to end of function
Source code checked in, #107042
Closed Issue: Bug in -profile when no profile exists [16727]
Run mrmapi on a machine with Exchange or Outlook's MAPI installed but where no profile exists.
mrmapi -profile Outlook -o c:\temp\profile.xml
The resulting XML is malformed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<profile profilename= "Outlook">
Run mrmapi on a machine with Exchange or Outlook's MAPI installed but where no profile exists.
mrmapi -profile Outlook -o c:\temp\profile.xml
The resulting XML is malformed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<profile profilename= "Outlook">
New Post: Unexpected error when sending cancellation for reoccuring meeting
Outlook 2010 keeps crashing when trying to send a cancellation for a reoccuring meeting. Will mfcmapi allow me to delete this reoccuring calendar event? I'm guessing it won't notify the attendees it's being remove though?
New Post: Unexpected error when sending cancellation for reoccuring meeting
Right - MFCMAPI will just treat it as an item and delete it. The server may have logic around the deletion, but the client won't do anything.
Source code checked in, #107129
Problem: ScrubStringForXML is overly aggressive
Fix: Better bound check on invalid/unprintable characters
Source code checked in, #107148
Problem: Need counts on other fields in string/unicode/binary prop editors
Fxi: Add them - also cleanup style in the file.
Created Unassigned: Parse rule actions [16749]
Created Unassigned: MrMAPI: Request to add an option to access another user's mailbox via service account logon [16752]
MrMAPI: Request to add an option to access another user’s mailbox via service account logon.
MrMAPI is a handy tool to use and demonstrate usages of Extended MAPI with Exchange.
We see our customer using MrMAPI to automate some tasks, to read info out of Exchange which is not available via another Messaging APIs.
However, to utilize MrMAPI to its full potential in scenario like above it should have an option to pass another user mailbox (as parameter) to be accessed by service account logon.
MrMAPI is a handy tool to use and demonstrate usages of Extended MAPI with Exchange.
We see our customer using MrMAPI to automate some tasks, to read info out of Exchange which is not available via another Messaging APIs.
However, to utilize MrMAPI to its full potential in scenario like above it should have an option to pass another user mailbox (as parameter) to be accessed by service account logon.
New Post: Unable to open Exchange 2010 users mailbox from exchange 2013's user mailbox from MFCAMPI. And vice-versa
- Created two super users(1 on exchange 2010 and other on exchange 13 in same organisation)
Assigned all necessary permission to these both users in AD.
Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -user Domain\User -AccessRights GenericAll -InheritanceType All
When I open MFCAMPI from exchange user mailbox, and try to open any exchange 2010 user's mbx, then get following error
Function OpenOtherUsersMailboxFromGal( lpMAPISession, lpAddrBook, &lpMailboxMDB)
File MainDlg.cpp
Line 729
*Interestingly, from outlook of exchange10/13 user, I can open mailbox of exchange13/10 user mailbox. but failing from MFCMAPI only.
*From exchange 2010 super user via MFCMAPI, I can open any exchange 2010 mbx.
*From exchange 2013 super user via MFCMAPI, I can open any exchange 2013 mbx.
__*But, when I go for cross, it fails.__
Source code checked in, #107284
Problem: Property parsing isn't granular enough to support better XML output.
Fix: Parse to better intermediate structures - build UI and XML from there
Problem: Need debug builds for MrMAPI
Fix: Add them
Source code checked in, #107285
Problem: Need RTFSync in single message dialog
Fix: Add it
Reviewed: February 2014 Release (Mar 19, 2014)
Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - Been using this for ages, and it's very handy. I probably have to say I prefer using Outlook Spy on my own PC, but this is very useful at customer sites.
Reviewed: February 2014 Release (Mar 19, 2014)
Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - Been using this for ages, and it's very handy. I probably have to say I prefer using Outlook Spy on my own PC, but this is very useful at customer sites.
Thanks Stephen!
New Post: Not able to delete IPM.Rule.Message
Hi all,
A user in our organization has a corrupt inbox rule. I have tried to hard delete this rule using MFCMAPI, however I receive:
Function ((LPMAPIFOLDER) m_lpContainer)->DeleteMessages( lpEIDs, lpProgress ? (ULONG_PTR)m_hWnd : NULL, lpProgress, ulFlag)
File FolderDlg.cpp
Line 722
I then decided to move the mailbox to another database to see if then I would be able to delete the rule, but this did not work. I get the same error.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Best regards!
A user in our organization has a corrupt inbox rule. I have tried to hard delete this rule using MFCMAPI, however I receive:
Function ((LPMAPIFOLDER) m_lpContainer)->DeleteMessages( lpEIDs, lpProgress ? (ULONG_PTR)m_hWnd : NULL, lpProgress, ulFlag)
File FolderDlg.cpp
Line 722
I then decided to move the mailbox to another database to see if then I would be able to delete the rule, but this did not work. I get the same error.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Best regards!
New Post: Not able to delete IPM.Rule.Message
You should look at opening a case to investigate your inbox rule corruption.
New Post: Not able to delete IPM.Rule.Message
Hi Stephen,
I didn't open a case. What I did to resolve the issue was export the mailbox to a pst file, delete the mailbox, create a new mailbox for the user, and then imported the pst file. During the import several corrupted items were found, so these could have been the culprits.
Thanks for your amazing software, it has solved many of the issues we run into with outlook/exchange!
Best regards!
I didn't open a case. What I did to resolve the issue was export the mailbox to a pst file, delete the mailbox, create a new mailbox for the user, and then imported the pst file. During the import several corrupted items were found, so these could have been the culprits.
Thanks for your amazing software, it has solved many of the issues we run into with outlook/exchange!
Best regards!
New Post: Unable to copy all messages in purges folder to a file.
Hi Everyone, I need to find a way to copy all messages in a purges folder in mfcmapi. I can open a message just fine but I need to select all messages and have them go somewhere to open them later if I need to look at them. Especially for litigation cases. Can you show me?
Source code checked in, #107601
Problem: Need easy way to test body property changes and content conversion
Fix: Add functions to SingleMessageDialog...
New Post: Outlook 2007 does not terminate after the MapiLogonEx
After looking at the MFCMapi code, I have written a Mapi application which reads all the contacts from address book. On couple of machines(Windows XP with Outlook 2007) I have found that I could not close the Outlook(i.e even after closing the Outlook, I could see the Outlook.exe process in the task manager)
After some research I found that if I just do MapiLogonEx, I am not able to close the Outlook. Currently I am using MAPI_EXTENDED | MAPI_NO_MAIL | MAPI_NEW_SESSION | MAPI_USE_DEFAULT, but I have tried most of the other combinations, and it does not seem to be working.
When I used the MfcMapi(Session->Advanced Logon ->Logon with Flags), this seemed to be working fine.
I have edited the MfcMapi code(i.e added a Sleep for 5 minutes just after the MapiLognEx function). In this case, I could not terminate the Outlook.
So, my conclusion is MfcMapi does something after MapiLogonEx, which I am not doing in my application. Can you please help me in solving this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
Note: In one of the machines I could reproduce this every time.
After looking at the MFCMapi code, I have written a Mapi application which reads all the contacts from address book. On couple of machines(Windows XP with Outlook 2007) I have found that I could not close the Outlook(i.e even after closing the Outlook, I could see the Outlook.exe process in the task manager)
After some research I found that if I just do MapiLogonEx, I am not able to close the Outlook. Currently I am using MAPI_EXTENDED | MAPI_NO_MAIL | MAPI_NEW_SESSION | MAPI_USE_DEFAULT, but I have tried most of the other combinations, and it does not seem to be working.
When I used the MfcMapi(Session->Advanced Logon ->Logon with Flags), this seemed to be working fine.
I have edited the MfcMapi code(i.e added a Sleep for 5 minutes just after the MapiLognEx function). In this case, I could not terminate the Outlook.
So, my conclusion is MfcMapi does something after MapiLogonEx, which I am not doing in my application. Can you please help me in solving this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
Note: In one of the machines I could reproduce this every time.
New Post: Outlook 2007 does not terminate after the MapiLogonEx
MFCMAPI doesn't do anything in particular, but it is a windows application and as such does pump messages - MAPI needs messages to be pumped for the notification subsystem to work properly. Try pumping messages and see if that fixes the problem.