I upgraded to Outlook 2016 and since them I'm unable to open another mailboxes from either options. I get bellow three errors.
0x18a8 06:48:16.950PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function HrGetOneProp(pGlobalProfSect, PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER, &lpServerName)
File MAPIStoreFunctions.cpp
Line 340
0x18a8 06:48:18.961PM 10-29-2015 0x00000001: CheckStringProp: lpProp is NULL
0x18a8 06:48:18.963PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function GetServerName(lpMAPISession, &szServerName)
File MAPIStoreFunctions.cpp
Line 758
0x18a8 06:48:19.295PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function OpenOtherUsersMailboxFromGal( lpMAPISession, lpAddrBook, &lpMailboxMDB)
File MainDlg.cpp
Line 727
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tinglima **
0x18a8 06:48:16.950PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function HrGetOneProp(pGlobalProfSect, PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER, &lpServerName)
File MAPIStoreFunctions.cpp
Line 340
0x18a8 06:48:18.961PM 10-29-2015 0x00000001: CheckStringProp: lpProp is NULL
0x18a8 06:48:18.963PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function GetServerName(lpMAPISession, &szServerName)
File MAPIStoreFunctions.cpp
Line 758
0x18a8 06:48:19.295PM 10-29-2015 0x00000040: Error:
Code: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND == 0x8004010F
Function OpenOtherUsersMailboxFromGal( lpMAPISession, lpAddrBook, &lpMailboxMDB)
File MainDlg.cpp
Line 727
Comments: ** Comment from web user: tinglima **
I'm having the same issue. Works with Outlook 2013 but, not Outlook 2016. Anyone else experience this issue?