I have one user that is constantly getting reminders of an appointment long gone. She can't snooze, dismiss, etc. I tried to delete the reminder with MAPI, but I get the following errors when I click on the message:
Code: MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID == 0x80040107
Function DefaultOpenItemProp( iItem, mfcmapiDO_NOT_REQUEST_MODIFY, lppProp)
File ContentsTableListCtrl.cpp
Line 1467
Code: MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID == 0x80040107
Function m_lpContentsTableListCtrl->DefaultOpenItemProp( iSelectedItem, bModify, lppMAPIProp)
File ContentsTableDlg.cpp
Line 820
I can right-click and delete, change the drop down to any of the 3 choices, but the message will not delete. It just stays there. I even tried running as an admin, with no luck.
Any suggestions?