Exchange 2010, outlook 2010
Receive the following from MFCMAPI x86 when trying to delete item from a public folder:
Code: MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS == 0x80070005
Function m_lpMessage->DeleteAttach( lpAttNumList[iSelection], lpProgress ? (ULONG_PTR)m_hWnd : NULL, lpProgress, lpProgress ? ATTACH_DIALOG : 0)
File AttachmentsDlg.cpp
Line 387
In outlook the message is 'Some items cannot be deleted. They were either moved or already deleted or access is denied'. The item we are trying to delete shows no information in From, To, and all other field EXCEPT size, which is 293b. Oddly, this item has an attachment (a shortcut of sorts) that actually functions, but trying to delete the file crashes outlook in normal mode and gives the aforementioned error in safe mode.
Receive the following from MFCMAPI x86 when trying to delete item from a public folder:
Code: MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS == 0x80070005
Function m_lpMessage->DeleteAttach( lpAttNumList[iSelection], lpProgress ? (ULONG_PTR)m_hWnd : NULL, lpProgress, lpProgress ? ATTACH_DIALOG : 0)
File AttachmentsDlg.cpp
Line 387
In outlook the message is 'Some items cannot be deleted. They were either moved or already deleted or access is denied'. The item we are trying to delete shows no information in From, To, and all other field EXCEPT size, which is 293b. Oddly, this item has an attachment (a shortcut of sorts) that actually functions, but trying to delete the file crashes outlook in normal mode and gives the aforementioned error in safe mode.